Jan Gerston
Sep 9, 2022


Arizonan transplanted to Texas. My three favorite Texas town names are Bug Tussle, Cut and Shoot, and Dime Box.

From my perspective, first having bicycled through Texas, now a resident, small Texas towns can be grouped roughly by longitude into three categories. East Texas: piney woods, wide spots in the road, southern-inflected speech, with the prevalence of Cajun food increasing heading east. Central Texas: tony, glittering quaint-yet-stylish German-influenced meccas. Lots of limetone, vineyards, and tourists. Sophisticated urban speech patterns due to urban refugees. West Texas: Dry and dusty (El Paso gets 7.5 inches of rain/year, for instance). Folks are a variety of quirky iconiclasts, rugged individualists, oil/cattle/agriculture workers. Distinctive Texas twang speech inflection.



Jan Gerston

Cyclist, hiker, textile enthusiast, Anglophile. Domestic goddess-without-portfolio. Fan of any classic music genre, Baroque to rock. Owned by 2 dogs + 2 cats.